
Dear PSA,
You will never know how much I thank you for starting http://penguinsafetyawareness.blogspot.com/. This website saved me and my pet koala Otsaria from one of their vicious attacks, by giving me great tips on penguin safety and alerting me to the wonders of purchasing a pink fire extinguisher. The penguins stormed my home and tried to kidnap Otsy, but I extinguished their fire and threatened to force-feed them kiwi pie if they did not leave. They were terrified and ran away. I have since started spraying all of my clothing with kiwi juice and using exfoliating kiwi face masks every week. I can only hope that these efforts will protect me and my darling koala bear until we drive away this killer species once and for all.
Elizabeth Tinsels, Darwin, Antarctica.


Dear PSA,

Penguin Safety Awareness has saved my life. I was attacked by two young penguins Friday morning. Luckily, I had my rainbow fire extinguisher, which proved quite useful, and I've been on a kiwi only diet ever since I started reading PSA. I was in my living room when the penguins attacked, I would have been caught off-guard, except that I had my Penguin House Protection Alarm on. The loud beeping and showering of rainbow sparkles alerted me to their presence. I rushed to grab my fire extinguisher, in case they were hungry, but before I could grab it, they attacked. Luckily, the smell of kiwi pushed them back, and it gave me just enough time to grab my extinguisher and spray them in the face. THANK YOU PSA!!

Eric A. Daniels, Carcass Island, Antarctica.